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Items where Year is 2021
Abdurrosid, Edi Wicaksono, Chandrarin, Grahita and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
The Effect of Motivation and Commitment of Taxpayer Toward Tax Compliance and Empirical Studies Tax Amnesty as Moderating Variable
(A Survey on Tax Service Center Kudus Branch).
European Journal of Business and Management Research, 6 (1).
pp. 125-128.
ISSN 2507-1076
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID:, Kitagawa, Akio, Prasetya, Dwi Arman, Arifuddin, Rahman and Yoseph, Stanislaus
LoRaWAN technology in irrigation channels in Batu Indonesia.
Jurnal Ilmuah Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI), 7 (3).
pp. 522-537.
ISSN 2338-3070
Agustina, Tutik, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Respati, Harianto
ORCID: and Natsir, Mohkhamad
The Role of Job Satisfaction as the Basis for Work Motivation to Improve Employee Performance in Government Organizations, Indonesia.
East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4 (5).
pp. 83-88.
ISSN 2617-4464 (Print) | 2617-7269 (Online)
Alawi, Zaki, Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo and Sisharini, Nanik (2021) Analysis of the effect of internal control systems, system quality, and user satisfaction in userperformance of e-planning applications case study in Kediri Regency, Indonesia. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6 (2). pp. 736-740. ISSN 2456-2165
Alvianna, Stella, Husnita, Ika, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Lasarudin, Alwin and Estikowati, Estikowati
Pengaruh Harga dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Panderman Coffeee Shop di Masa Pandemi Covid-19.
Journal of Management And Business Review, 18 (2).
pp. 380-392.
ISSN 2503-0736
Aman, Yosanda Zata, Respati, Harianto ORCID: and Natsir, Mohkhamad
Analysis of the Effect of Perceived Value on Purchasing Decision Users of Ovo Applications through Consumer Trust (Case Study of Fanā Coffee Malang Customers).
East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4 (11).
pp. 243-249.
ISSN 2617-4464 (Print) | 2617-7269 (Online)
Amrullah, Fikri, Andarwati, Mardiana, Swalaganata, Galandaru and Rosyadi, Hudan Eka (2021) Pengembangan aplikasi android MVTE dengan metode RAD. JTMI Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika, 7 (2). pp. 122-130. ISSN P: 1693-6604, E: 2580-8044
Anam, Mochammad Musafa ul and Rachmadian, Aprilia (2021) Prospek Wisata Halal Di Kota Malang : Sebuah Tinjauan Atas Peluang Dan Tantangan. Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 6 (1). pp. 17-25. ISSN 1410-7252
Arifin, Syaiful ORCID:
The Influence of Brand Image, Product Quality and Sales
Promotion on Oppo Smartphone Purchase Decisions In Sumenep Regency.
Journal of Research in Business and Management, 9 (12).
pp. 27-34.
ISSN 2347 - 3002
Arifuddin, Rahman, Mujahidin, Irfan ORCID:, Subairi, Subairi and Wikantiyoso, Respati
Sistem kontrol suhu dan waktu otomatis mesin
roasting kopi portabel.
Cyclotron: Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 4 (2).
pp. 42-45.
ISSN P-ISSN: 2302-5778; E-ISSN: 2614-5164
Arifuddin, Rahman, Subairi, Subairi, Prasetya, Dwi Arman and Dirgantara, Wahyu (2021) Determinants of student interest in participating National Defense in the “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” Program. Jurnal Penelitian, 18 (2). pp. 72-84. ISSN 1410-7295
Ariyanti, Ariyanti (2021) Perlindungan Hukum Rahasia Perusahaan Melalui Undang�Undang No. 30 Tahun 2000 Tentang Rahasia Dagang. Bhirawa Law Journal, 2 (2). pp. 175-182. ISSN ISSN P: 2775-4464, ISSN E: 2775-2070
Asmoro, Bramantyo Tri, Dwinugraha, Akbar Pandu ORCID: and Faridah, Lilik
Peningkatan kompetensi tenaga pendidik melalui teknologi digital dalam proses belajar mengajar pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Malang.
Karta Rahardja : Jurnal Pembangunan Dan Inovasi, 31 (1).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2686-309X (E) ; ISSN: 2686-2212 (P)
Bengal, Rahmat Fijai, Saiban, Kasuwi, Shanty, Wika Yudha and Lailawati, Fadilla Dwi (2021) Tinjauan yuridis kompilasi hukum islam tentang hak warisan anak hasil hubungan di luar nikah antara tenaga kerja wanita dengan majikannya. Bhirawa Law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 125-129. ISSN ISSN P: 2775-4464, ISSN E: 2775-2070
Bhoka, Arnoldus Hesron, Yuniarti, Sari and Burhan, Mohammad (2021) Penyaluran Kredit dan Tingkat Likuiditas: Bukti Empiris pada Bank Umum di Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (JMDK), 9 (1). pp. 130-138. ISSN 2540-8259
Brimantyo, Harril, Suwandaru, Agung, Ratri, Anandhayu Mahatma, Nugraha, Ginanjar Indra kusuma and Firdaus, Muhammad Rizki (2021) The role of e-money on business growth in Indonesia. Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, 8 (2). pp. 405-411. ISSN 1829-7528
Budiyanto, Hery, Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:, Setiawan, Aries Boedi
ORCID:, Jati, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra
ORCID: and Iqbal, Muhammad
Listrik Tenaga Surya untuk Pompa Submersible pada
Greenhouse Hidroganik di Kabupaten Malang.
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 6 (3).
pp. 336-346.
ISSN E-ISSN: 2548-7159
Cahyaningsih, Diyah Sukanti ORCID:, Candrarin, Grahita, Assih, Prihat and Esty, Edeltrudis Yuliana
The Influence of Capital Structure, Institutional Ownership, and Independent Commissioners on Indonesian Pharmaceutical Industry Financial Performance.
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM), 3 (2).
pp. 283-287.
ISSN 2395-5252
Cahyaningsih, Diyah Sukanti ORCID:, Maslacha, Nur and Kumar, Abdul Malik
Pengaruh Risiko Pembiayaan terhadap Kinerja Profitabilitas pada BMT “S” Syariah Jawa Timur.
Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Manajemen, 4 (2).
pp. 112-120.
ISSN P-ISSN: 2598-0696, E-ISSN: 2684-9283
Cahyaningsih, Diyah Sukanti ORCID:, taufiqurrahman, taufiqurrahman
ORCID: and Sulaksono, Aditya Galih
Using of the Learning Management System on motivation and learning outcomes in the "Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka" Program.
Jurnal Penelitian, 18 (2).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN ISSN : 1410-7295 (P), 2809-7688 (e)
Cahyantini, Aryntika, Suwondo, Juwita Purnami and Mardiasih, Noeke Chrispur (2021) Peran Pengelolaan Objek Wisata Milkindo Green Farm Terhadap Pengembangan Masyarakat Lokal. Journal of Regional Economics Indonesia, 2 (1). pp. 16-26. ISSN 2723-5769
Carolina, Natalia, Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID: and Setyadi, M.C. Sina
The Influence Of Motivation, Work Satisfaction And Work Environment Towards Performance Employee Of Limited Liability Company Anugerah Bara East Borneo.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 23 (1 (V)).
pp. 12-19.
ISSN p-ISSN: 2319-7668 ; e-2278-487X
Costanza, Talita and Pakpahan, Hatarto (2021) Pengaturan hukuman kebiri kimia dan pemasangan alat pendeteksi elektronik dalam perspektif Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Bhirawa Law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 155-162. ISSN ISSN P: 2775-4464, ISSN E: 2775-2070
Criswandari, Nurhumairo choirulia, Astuti, Widji, Alvianna, Stella and Anggraini, Dhita Paramita (2021) Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kunjungan Wisatawan Asia Tenggara Di Bali (Studi di PT Dwidaya Wisata Indonesia). Jurnal TESLA: Perhotelan-Destinasi Wisata-Perjalanan Wisata, 1 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2809-400X
Dalulia, Primahasmi ORCID:, Hartana, Lintang Pramesta, Putri, Digitha Oktaviani
ORCID: and Fauzy, Muchammad Riza
Analisis Bullwhip Efect pada Kegiatan Supply Chain Perishable Product.
Journal of Industrial View, 3 (2).
pp. 18-26.
ISSN 2685-3159
Dewi, Susantriana ORCID:
Pengaruh Kompensasi, Asuransi Tenaga Kerja Dan Jaminan Hari Tua Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Di PT. Kayu Alam Makmur
Jurnal Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, 15 (2).
pp. 20-33.
ISSN 1978-1091 (Cetak) : 2655-1578 (Online)
Djaelani, Abdul Kodir, Sanusi, Anwar and Triatmanto, Boge (2021) Spiritual leadership, job Satisfaction, and its effect on organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Management Science Letters, 11 (3). pp. 3907-3914. ISSN 1923-9343; P: 975-982
Endayani, Fatmasari and Saman, Saman (2021) Dampak Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja Dan Motivasi Kerja Pada Employee Engagement. Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, 8 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1829-7528 Online: 2581-1584
Erliana, Ken and Pamungkas, Putra Nanda (2021) Analisis Postur Tubuh Pekerja Industri Perak Di Umkm Silver 999 Menggunakan Metode Rula (Rapid Upper Limb Assessment). Journal of Industrial View, 3 (2). pp. 45-54. ISSN 2685-3159
Farani, Yasmin and Yustisia, Karlina Karadila (2021) Developing Speaking Section of Business English Materials to Teach Culture in Integrated Way. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature, 6 (1). pp. 162-176. ISSN ISSN (Print): 2502-7816 ; ISSN (Online): 2503-524X
Fauzia, Marliana Eka and Silalahi, Elfrida Br (2021) Manajemen konflik warga Sukaharjo dalam menyelematkan lingkungan atas pencemaran udara dan air. Publisia Jurnal Kebijakan Publik, 6 (1). pp. 73-79. ISSN 1410-0983
Firmansyah, Moch. Rizky, Setyadi, M.C. Sina and Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID:
The Effect Of Reward And Punishment On Employee Performance Through Work Motivation In PT. Haleyora Power, Zone 1 And Zone 2 In
Pasuruan Area.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 10 (6).
pp. 166-169.
ISSN 2277-8616
Friyatna, Ardi, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo
The influence of management information systems and public service performance on the user satisfaction index with service quality mediator at the office of Communication and Information Technology in Blitar.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 10 (11).
pp. 44-51.
ISSN 2277-8616
Goran, Marcia Camecelha Ina, Hermin, Dewi, Sugeha, Anisa Zuhria and Anggraini, Dhita Paramita (2021) Pengaruh Sanitasi Kamar Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Room Attendant Terhadap Kepuasan Tamu Yang Menginap Di Hotel Gajah Mada Malang. Jurnal TESLA: Perhotelan-Destinasi Wisata-Perjalanan Wisata, 1 (1). pp. 36-42. ISSN 2809-400X
Handayani, Nurul, Harmono, Harmono ORCID: and Zuhroh, Diana
Analisis Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Perubahan Harga Saham Perusahaan Konstruksi.
Jurnal Penelitian Teori dan Terapan Akuntansi (PETA), 6 (1).
pp. 1-15.
ISSN 2528-2581
Haryanto, Sugeng, Aristanto, Eko, Assih, Prihat, Aripin, Zaenal and Bachtiar, Yanuar (2021) Loan to deposit ratio, risiko kredit, net interest margin dan profitabilitas bank. AFRE Accounting and Financial Review, 4 (1). pp. 146-154. ISSN 2598-7771
Haryono, Agus, Mudjiarto, Mudjiarto, Wahyuni, Nanik and Triatmanto, Boge (2021) Competency improvement of cooperative managers to improve members' welfare by implementing business strategies. Management Science Letters, 11 (3). pp. 975-982. ISSN ISSN: 1923-9343
Hayatullah, Edy, Triatmanto, Boge and Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID:
The Effect of Competence and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance and Its Implications on Organizational Effectiveness.
Journal of Research in Business and Management, 9 (8).
pp. 17-23.
ISSN 2347 - 3002
Hidayat, Tri Nando Setya, Roedjinandari, Nanny, Rachmadian, Aprilia and Yulianto, Irwan (2021) Dampak COVID-19 Terhadap Wisata Coban Jahe Di Kabupaten Malang. Jurnal TESLA: Perhotelan-Destinasi Wisata-Perjalanan Wisata, 1 (1). pp. 43-51. ISSN 2809-400X
Hidayati, Rahmatina, Zubair, Anis, Pratama, Aditya Hidayat and Indana, Luthfi ORCID:
Analisis silhouette coefficient pada 6 perhitungan jarak
K-Means Clustering. Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 20 (2).
pp. 186-197.
ISSN E-ISSN : 2356-2579 P-ISSN : 1412-2693
Hidayatullah, Andik Asuchii, Supriadi, Bambang ORCID: and Natsir, Mohkhamad
Improving the Quality of Service and Customer Satisfaction through Trust Company Image.
East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4 (8).
pp. 177-184.
ISSN 2617-4464 (Print) | 2617-7269 (Online)
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Farhan, Ahmad, Khouroh, Umu
ORCID:, Respati, Harianto and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
Collaboration of Image Interactive Technology and Technology Acceptance Models with Perceived Trust on Purchase of Goods in Online Shop.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6 (1).
pp. 1105-1112.
ISSN 2456-2165
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Sutikno, Sutikno, Alvianna, Stella and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
The Relationships Between Destination Image, Tourist Interest In Travelling And Promotion : The Case Of Bedengan, Malang, Indonesia.
Journal of Event, Tourism and Hospitality Studies, 1 (1).
pp. 143-162.
ISSN 2805-4423
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Tiyas, Surya Wahyuning, Alvianna, Stella, Sugeha, Anisa Zuhria and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
Peran Mediasi Brand Images Pada Hubungan Antara Social Media Marketing Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Wisatawan Yang Berbelanja Di Krisna Toko Oleh-oleh Khas Bali).
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 6 (2).
pp. 135-143.
ISSN 1410-7252
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Windhyastiti, Irany and waris, Abdul
Peran Daya Tarik Desa Wisata dan Community Based Tourism dalam Membangun Citra Desa Wisata.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (JMDK), 9 (2).
pp. 246-253.
ISSN 2540-8259
Idi, Adriana Viyanti, Yuniarti, Sari and Sunardi, Sunardi (2021) The Effect of Liquidity Ratio and Activity Ratio on Profit Growth with Company Size, Leverage, and Return on Assets as Control Variables in Coal Mining Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 7 (10). pp. 64-69. ISSN 2454-8006
Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik (2021) Perkembangan peran pecalang sebagai lembaga keamanan adat di masyarakat Bali Indonesia. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12 (3). pp. 294-302. ISSN ISSN P: 2356-4962 ; ISSN E: 2598-6538
Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik (2021) Understanding on diversity and tolerance in school environment to eradicate violent behavior pattern in Indonesian Community (Study in the environment of traditional religious school). PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (PJAEE), 18 (4). pp. 5901-5916.
Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik (2021) kajian parameter gender dalam substansi peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12 (2). pp. 195-204. ISSN ISSN P: 2356-4962 ; ISSN E: 2598-6538
Insyiah, Choirul, Respati, Harianto and Sunardi, Sunardi (2021) Pengaruh Praktek Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Koperasi Melalui Partisipasi Anggota di KoperasiSetia Budi Wanita Malang. Jurnal Riset Inspirasi Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 5 (1). pp. 40-49. ISSN 2549-3477 e-ISSN: 2623-1077
Iskharimah, Iskharimah, Harmono, Harmono ORCID: and Sihwahjoeni, Sihwahjoeni
Pengaruh Tingkat Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia, Teknologi Informasi, Pengendalian Intern Dan Pengawasan Keuangan Terhadap Keandalan Pelaporan Keuangan Kepolisian Resort Provinsi Jawa Timur.
Jurnal Akuntansi Trisakti, 8 (2).
pp. 287-308.
ISSN 2339-0832 (Online)
Islami, Nungky Wanodyatama and Dwinugraha, Akbar Pandu ORCID:
Peran serta pemuda dalam pengelolaan BUMDesa untuk mewujudkan [emulihan ekonomi pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di Kabupaten Malang.
Karta Rahardja, 3 (2).
pp. 1-5.
Islami, Nungky Wanodyatama and Khouroh, Umu ORCID:
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Balita Stunting Dan Tantangan Pencegahannya Pada Masa Pandemi.
Karta Rahardja : Jurnal Pembangunan Dan Inovasi, 3 (2).
pp. 6-19.
ISSN 2686-309X (E) ; ISSN: 2686-2212 (P)
Iswahyudi, Nanang, Subiyantoro, Edi and Yuniarti, Sari (2021) Evaluation of Financial Performance and Regional Economic Growth, Indonesia. IOSR JOurnal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 23 (2, V). pp. 55-63. ISSN p-ISSN: 2319-7668 ; e-2278-487X
Jannah, Elok Nur, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Parawiyati, Parawiyati
Mobility Service Applications to Facilitate Better MSME Financial Performance.
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 25 (4).
pp. 821-835.
ISSN 1410-8089 (Print) ; 2443-2687 (Online)
Jatmikowati, Sri Hartini (2021) A Study of Public Policy Implementation in E-Administration Services. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20 (2). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1544-1458
Khouroh, Umu ORCID:, Ratnaningsih, Christina Sri and Rahayudi, Bayu
Inovasi dan Daya Saing UMKM di Era New Normal: dari Triple Helix Model ke Quadruple Helix Model.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (JMDK), 9 (2).
pp. 152-162.
ISSN 2540-8259
Khouroh, Umu ORCID:, Windhyastiti, Irany and Ratnaningsih, Christina Sri
Kapabilitas Dinamik dan Keunggulan Bersaing: Dinamisme Lingkungan Moderator ataukah Driver?
Jurnal Samudra Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 12 (1).
pp. 18-34.
ISSN 2089-1989 ; E-ISSN 2614-1523
Krisnanda, Rulli, Respati, Harianto ORCID: and Supriadi, Bambang
The Effect Of Lifestyle And Local Food On Selection Of Tourist Destinations In Malang City Through Eating Experince As Mediation.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 10 (2).
pp. 321-325.
ISSN 2277-8616
Kurniawan, Irham, Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo and Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:
The Effect Of The Information System Quality, Service Quality, And User Satisfaction On Academic Information System User Loyalty.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 10 (5).
pp. 350-355.
ISSN 2277-8616
Kurniawan, Julio, Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID: and Triatmanto, Boge
The Influence of Internal Control Systems, Leadership Style on Field Employee Performance through Organizational Commitment (Case Study "Distribution Program of Solid Organic Waste" in PG Kebon Agung Indonesia).
International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS), 2 (3).
pp. 22-33.
ISSN 2582-6220
Kusuma, Marhaendra, Assih, Prihat and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
Pengukuran Kinerja Keuangan: Return on Equity (ROE) Dengan Atribusi Ekuitas.
Jurnal Ilimiah Manajemen dan Bisnis,, 22 (2).
pp. 223-243.
ISSN 1693-7619 (Print) | E-ISSN 2580-4170
Kusuma, Marhaendra, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:, Assih, Prihat and Candrarin, Grahita
The Effect of Net Income and Other Comprehensive Income on Future’s Comprehensive Income With Attribution of Comprehensive Income as Moderating Variable.
International Journal of Financial Research., 12 (3).
pp. 205-219.
ISSN 1923-4023, E-ISSN 1923-4031
Lailiyah, Malikhatul ORCID:, Setiyaningsih, Lian Agustina
ORCID:, Wediyantoro, Prilla Lukis
ORCID: and Yustisia, Karlina Karadila
Assessing an effective collaboration in higher education: A study of students’ experiences and challenges on group collaboration.
EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language, and Teaching of English, 6 (2).
pp. 152-162.
ISSN 2502-5740
Lailiyah, Malikhatul ORCID: and Wediyantoro, Prilla Lukis
Critical Thinking in Second Language Learning: Students’ Attitudes and Beliefs.
International Journal of Language Education, 5 (3).
pp. 180-192.
ISSN 2548-8457 (Print) 2548-8465 (Online)
Lailiyah, Malikhatul ORCID: and Wediyantoro, Prilla Lukis
Critical thingking in second language learning: Students' attitudes and beliefs.
IJOLE: International Journal of Language education, 5 (3).
pp. 180-192.
ISSN P-ISSN: 2548-8457; E-ISSN: 2548-8465
Larum, Kordianus, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Subiyantoro, Edi
Fraudlent Financial Reporting: Menguji Potensi Kecurangan Pelaporan Keuangan dengan Menggunakan Teori Fraud Hexagon.
AFRE Accounting and Financial Review, 4 (1).
pp. 82-94.
ISSN 2598-7771
Lasarudin, Alfred, Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID: and Natsir, Mohkhamad
Analisis Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Melalui Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening.
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 6 (2).
pp. 144-153.
ISSN 1410-7252
Marcus, Ronald David, Rosyadi, Hudan Eka and Pamuji, Fandi Yulian (2021) Prototype sistem administrasi dan keamanan jaringan komputer berbasis DHCP server mikrotik. Brilliant: Jurnal Riset dan Konseptual, 6 (3). pp. 685-695. ISSN P-ISSN: 2541-4216; E-ISSN: 2541-4224
Marija, Marija, Sihwahjoeni, Sihwahjoeni and Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:
Pengaruh Financial Capital, dan Literasi Keuangan terhadap Kinerja
Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) di Kota Malang.
Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Perpajakan, 7 (1).
pp. 31-38.
ISSN 2721-3692
Marisa, Fitri, AHmad, Sharifah Sakinah Syed, Yusoh, Zeratul Izzah Mohd, Andarwati, Mardiana, Nathasia, Novi Dian and Putri, Chauliah Fatma (2021) Constructing the novelty of SME collaboration parameter in gamification based on silaturrahmi culture. Journal of Theoritical and Applied Information Technology, 99 (20). pp. 4786-4799. ISSN P: 1992-8645, E: 1817-3195
Marisa, Fitri, Maukar, Anastasia L., Vitianingsih, Anik Vega, Puspitarini, Erri Wahyu, Sonalitha, Elta and Agustina, Rini (2021) Analisis Kebiasaan Berolahraga di Masa Covid-19 Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Gamifikasi Octalysis. Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika (JTMI), 7 (1). pp. 40-45. ISSN Print ISSN : 1693-6604 ; Online ISSN : 2580-8044
Mbot, Marselina Trida, Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID: and Sunardi, Sunardi
The Effect of Financial Ratios on Stock Prices with Capital Structure as an Intervening Variable In Food and Beverage Companies, Listed On Indonesian Stock Exchange.
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 23 (10(IV)).
pp. 56-64.
ISSN 2278-487X
Molyo, Priyo Dari, Yulistiowati, Irma Mufita ORCID: and Zulhilmi, Fajar
Pengaruh Penggunaan Fitur Shopee GamesTerhadap Customer Engagement Pada Kalangan Mahasiswa Di Kota Malang.
Jurnal Nomosleca, 7 (1).
pp. 57-66.
ISSN Print ISSN : 2443-0927 ; Online ISSN : 2541-6650
Mujahidin, Irfan ORCID:, Prasetya, Dwi Arman, Arifuddin, Rahman and Arinda, Putri Surya
Antenna 5.8 GHz dengan output perbedaan fasa
90 derajat ganda menggunakan jaringan
matriks Butler Feeding.
PROtek: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Elektro, 8 (2).
pp. 83-88.
ISSN E-ISSN: 2527-9572; P-ISSN: 2354-8924
Mukti, Fransiska Sisilia, Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID:, Prasetya, Dwi Arman, Sihombing, Volvo, Rahanra, Nicodemus, Yuliawan, Kristia and Simatupang, Julianto
Integrating Cost-231 Multiwall Propagation and Adaptive Data Rate Method for Access Point Placement Recommendation.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 12 (4).
pp. 772-777.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Muktiningtyas, Fransisca Nonik, Efendi, Tino Feri and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Analisa dan perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi penjualan berbasis web. Jikobis Jurnal Informatika, Komputer dan Bisnis, 1 (2). pp. 59-67. ISSN E: 2807-5587
Mustaqim, Mustaqim, Setiyaningsih, Lian Agustina ORCID: and Fahmi, Muhammad Hanif
Organizational culture in developing education communication based on multiculturalism and technology.
ETTISAL: Journal of Communication, 6 (1).
pp. 83-98.
ISSN 2503-1880; E-ISSN: 2599-3240
Nabut, Justi, Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID: and Triatmanto, Boge
The Effect of Motivation and the Role of Perception on Cadre
Performance by Considering the Ability of “Posyandu” Cadre
Work In Stunting Prevention Situation.
Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 23 (2).
pp. 35-39.
Nanda, Hanjar Ikrima and Santi, Fitriana ORCID:
Squential Explanatory: Ofensif Daring terhadap Kesehatan
Mental Mahasiswa Baru.
Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling, 4 (1).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 2622-8068 ; e-ISSN: 2622-8076
Narew, Ignatius, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Harmono, Harmono
Analisis Diamond Fraud Theory Dalam Mendeteksi
Kecurangan Laporan Keuangan.
Jurnal Akuntansi Trisakti, 8 (2).
pp. 317-342.
ISSN 2339-0832 (Online)
Nikmah, Azimatun, Firdiansjah, Achmad, Supriadi, Bambang ORCID: and Natsir, Mohkhamad
The Role of Work Motivation as Mediation between Workload and Health Employees Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic at Public Health Centers, Indonesia.
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 26 (6(8)).
pp. 6-14.
ISSN 2279-0837
Ningtiyas, Elinda Anandar, Alvianna, Stella, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Sutanto, Dewi Hermin and waris, Abdul
Analisis Pengaruh Attraction, Accessibility, Amenity, Ancillary Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Wisatawan Melalui Loyalitas Wisatawan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi.
Media Wisata, 19 (1).
pp. 83-96.
ISSN 1693-5969
Nurak, Florentina, Sihwahjoeni, Sihwahjoeni and Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:
The Phenomenon of Accounting in the Management of the Village Fund Allocation: A case Study of Indonesia.
International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS), 2 (3).
pp. 65-70.
ISSN 2582-6220
Oppusunggu, Lis Sintha and Dwipasari, Lita (2021) Factors Affecting Bank Profitability of BUKU 1 and BUKU 2. Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 25 (4). pp. 955-969. ISSN 1410-8089 (Print) ; 2443-2687 (Online)
Poro, Stivani Marantika, Imron, Ali and Shanty, Wika Yudha (2021) Perlindungan hukum hak tradisional masyarakat hukum adat terhadap tindakan individualisasi tanah ulayat untuk tujuan komersial. Bhirawa Law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 169-174. ISSN ISSN P: 2775-4464, ISSN E: 2775-2070
Pratama, Bestio Putra, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Alvianna, Stella, Astuti, Widji and Krisnanda, Rulli
Mediation Effect of Customer Satisfaction from the Relationship between System Quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality towards Interests of Tourist Visiting in East Java Park 3.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6 (1).
pp. 95-100.
ISSN 2456-2165
Pratama, Yudi Wicaksono and Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik (2021) Analisis yuridis pengaturan pengelolaan zakat dan pajak menurut sistem hukum di Indonesia dan Malaysia. Jurnal Cakrawala Hukum, 12 (1). pp. 110-119. ISSN ISSN P: 2356-4962 ; ISSN E: 2598-6538
Prayitno, Ghorib and Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik (2021) Implementation of fairness principles in tax collections for health benefits for outsourced workers. Merdeka law Journal, 2 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN P-ISSN: 2722-7448; O-ISSN: 2722-7456
Puspitasari, Dilya Wira, Sunardi, Sunardi and Harsono, Harsono (2021) Disiplin Kerja dan Budaya Organisasi Serta Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan yang dimediasi oleh Kompensasi. Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen, 8 (1). pp. 175-180. ISSN 1829-7528 Online: 2581-1584
Putra, Iwan Setya, Triatmanto, Boge and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use on User’s Intention to Use
E- learning with Moodle Application in Higher Education
Mediated by Perceived Usefulness.
Management and Economic Journal, 5 (3).
pp. 211-220.
ISSN 2599-3402 (P), 2598-9537 (E)
Putri, Adinda Rahajeng, Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID: and Respati, Harianto
The Effect of Communication Effectiveness of Subordinate Officers and Direct Compensation on Organizational Commitment through Job Satisfaction at Malang City Police Resort, Indonesia.
International Journal of Scientific and Academic Research (IJSAR), 1 (3).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 2583-0279
Putriwana, Nadia Ayu and Yustisia, Karlina Karadila ORCID:
Belle’s characterization as the main character in Beauty and The Beast movie by Bill Condon.
EnJourMe (English Journal of Merdeka) : Culture, Language, and Teaching of English, 6 (1).
pp. 70-76.
ISSN 2502-5740
Rahmawati, Rizqi ORCID: and Parangu, Kaukabilla Alya
Potensi Pemulihan Pariwisata Halal di Ponorogo (Analisa Strategi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19).
JoIE: Journal of Islamic Economics, 1 (1).
pp. 97-110.
Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra, Setiadjit, Dayal Gustopo, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Adhinata, Faisal Dharma
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Tanggap Pendatang Berbasis Web. Studi Kasus : Desa Karangagung Kabupaten Tuban.
Engineering Journal of Information, Control, Telecommunication and Electrical, 2 (1).
pp. 26-35.
ISSN 2746-7481
Razak, Jeefferie Abd., Wahid, siti zaleha, Mohamad, Noraiham, Puspitasari, Poppy, Jaafar, Rosidah and Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:
The Effects of r-HDPE/r-PP Formulation Ratio Into Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological Behavior of r-HDPE/r-PP Polymeric Blends.
Journal of Engineering and Management in Industrial System, 6 (3).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN P-ISSN 2338-3925, E-ISSN 2477-6025
Risfandini, Andini, Thoyib, Armanu, Noermijati, Noermijati and Mugiono, Mugiono (2021) Competitiveness of Tourism Destinations: An Extended Criteria of Resource-Based View. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business (JAFEB), 8 (5). pp. 253-263. ISSN 2288-4645
Riyanto, Edi, Supriadi, Bambang ORCID: and Hidayatullah, Syarif
The Influence of Cognitive, Unique and Affective Attraction Images on Loyalty through Visitor Satisfaction: A Case Study of Sudimoro Coffee Center, Malang. Indonesia.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), 7 (9).
pp. 108-115.
ISSN 2454-8006
Riyanto, Edi, Supriadi, Bambang ORCID: and Hidayatullah, Syarif
The Influence of Cognitive, Unique and Affective Attraction Images onLoyalty through Visitor Satisfaction:A Case Study of Sudimoro Coffee Center, Malang. Indonesia.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 7 (9).
pp. 108-115.
ISSN 2454-8006
Rofieq, Mochammad ORCID: and Septiari, Renny
Penerapan Seven Tools Dalam Pengendalian Kualitas Botol Plastik Kemasan 60 ml.
Journal of Industrial View, 3 (1).
pp. 23-34.
ISSN 2723-0414 (p) ; 2685-3159 (e)
Rohmatin, Binti Lailatur, Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID: and Zuhroh, Diana
The Role of Good Corporate Governance to Fraud Prevention : An analysis based on the Fraud Pentagon.
Jurnal Keuangan dan Perbankan, 25 (2).
pp. 280-294.
ISSN 1410-8089 (Print) ; 2443-2687 (Online)
Sadhana, Kridawati, Ndung, Yustina and Hariyanto, Tommy (2021) Study of the Adaptation Process as a Local Community Strategy in Social Transformation of Samin Group of Indonesia. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering-IJASRE, 7 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2454-8006
Safriliana, Retna ORCID:, Cahyaningsih, Diyah Sukanti
ORCID: and Parawiyati, Parawiyati
Use of Accurate V3 software as an introduction to accounting skills in “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” Program.
Jurnal Penelitian, 18 (2).
pp. 55-71.
ISSN ISSN : 1410-7295 (P), 2809-7688 (e)
Samuel, Jason and Yuniawan, Dani ORCID:
Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjadwalan Laboratorium Komputasi Industri Universitas Merdeka Malang Berbasis Web.
Journal of Industrial View, 3 (2).
pp. 11-17.
ISSN 2685-3159
Sandhubaya, Gilang, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Roedjinandari, Nanny
Study of Influence of Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environment
Sustainability on Tourist to Revisit the Beaches of Indonesia.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE) DOI: 10.31695/IJASRE, 7 (10).
pp. 36-47.
ISSN 2454-8006,
Santi, Fitriana ORCID: and Anggraeni, Ary Yunita
Karakteristik pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga baru di era pandemi.
Keberlanjutan : Jurnal Manajemen dan Jurnal Akuntansi, 6 (2).
pp. 141-154.
ISSN 2528-5599 e-ISSN : 2614-3291
Sari, Andina Paramita, Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo and Prasetya, Dwi Arman (2021) Perceived credibility analysis as a mediator of interest in the application of P2P lending platform: A study on msmes "go online program" At NGALUP.COIn Malang City. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 10 (5). pp. 413-417. ISSN 2277-8616
Sari, Andina Paramita, Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo and Prasetya, Dwi Arman (2021) The application of P2P lending platform on MSMEs "GO Online Program" at NGALUP.CO. Management and Economics Journal, 5 (1). pp. 45-58. ISSN 2598-9537 (E): 2599-3402 (P)
Sari, Riri Fitri ORCID:, Ilmananda, Asri Samsiar
ORCID: and Romano, Daniela M.
Social trust-based blockchain-enabled social media
news verification system.
journal of Universal Computer Science, 27 (09).
pp. 979-998.
Sativa, Aisya Lowine and Yulianto, Irwan (2021) Pengaruh Aspek MICE Terhadap Kunjungan Wisatawan Ke Kota Malang Di Era New Normal. JETT : Journal of Event, Travel and Tour Management., 1 (1). pp. 40-48. ISSN 2829-0046
Saway, Winny Virginia, Alvianna, Stella, Estikowati, Estikowati, Lasarudin, Alwin and Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:
Dampak Atraksi, Amenitas Dan Aksesibilitas Pantai Pasir Putih Kabupaten Manokwari Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan Berkunjung.
Pariwisata Budaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Agama Dan Budaya, 6 (1).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2614-5340
Setiyaningsih, Lian Agustina ORCID:, Fahmi, Muhammad Hanif and Molyo, Priyo Dari
Selective exposure media sosial pada ibu dan perilaku anti sosial anak.
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara, 3 (1).
ISSN E-ISSN: 2685-7650
Setyawan, Pungky Eka, Sonalitha, Elta, Asmono, Didit Abryanto and Refitra, Rifki Akbar (2021) Investigation of the Effect of Anodizing Dyes Using Purple Cabbage and Dragon Fruit Peel on Aluminum 6061alloy. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering-IJASRE, 7 (2). pp. 15-27. ISSN 2454-8006
Silalahi, Elfrida Br (2021) Writing descriptive mapping on students D3 English Program. Jetal: Journal of English Teaching & Applied Linguistic, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2714-9811
Singgih, Mohamad Nur (2021) Development competitiveness model of Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) through the global competition. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 2 (4). pp. 1102-1112. ISSN 2774-5406
Siswati, Aris, Triatmanto, Boge and Sunardi, Sunardi (2021) Entrepreneurial Skills Reinforcement Model in “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” Entrepreneurship at University of Merdeka Malang. Jurnal Penelitian, 18 (2). pp. 12-25. ISSN 1410-7295
Siswati, Aris and Yuniawan, Dani ORCID:
Gagasan Kampung Oksigen Pandanwangi sebagai Upaya
Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan
di Kota Malang.
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 6 (3).
pp. 404-415.
ISSN 2548-7159 (e)
Solikhin, Agus, Triatmanto, Boge and Supriadi, Bambang ORCID:
Organizational Commitment And Citizenship Behavior's Organizational To Mediate The Influence of Organizational Culture On The Performance of Sahid Group Hotel Employees In Solo Indonesia.
International Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 8 (7).
pp. 48-58.
ISSN 2393 – 9125
Sonalitha, Elta ORCID:, Setyawati, Dyah
ORCID: and Haryanto, Sugeng
University transformation towards a learning experience facing the world of work and industry.
Jurnal Penelitian Edisi Ilmu-ilmu Sosial, 18 (2).
pp. 40-54.
ISSN 1410-7295
Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID:, Hanto, Sih, Putra, Suatmo Pantja
ORCID: and Sudibyo, Priyo
Implementation of Industrial Incubators to Improve Enterprise Intention in East Java Indonesia.
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), 5 (10).
pp. 283-287.
ISSN 2454-6186
Sumban, Asdiana Dua, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Parawiyati, Parawiyati
Penilaian Kinerja Berbasis Balanced Scorecards (BSC)
untuk Melakukan Rancang Ulang Strategi Bersaing.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (JMDK), 9 (1).
pp. 26-41.
ISSN 2540-8259
Sunardi, Sunardi, Damayanti, Theresia Woro and Supramono, Supramono (2021) Does Female Top Managers’ Debt Preference Shift? If Firm Experiences Sales Growth. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 13 (1). pp. 90-109. ISSN 1309-8055 (Online)
Sunardi, Sunardi, Pertiwi, Asti Ayu Putri and Supramono, Supramono (2021) Conservative Working Capital Policy: Can it Increase Profitability and Sustainable Growth Rate? Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12 (3). pp. 5630-5637. ISSN 1309-4653
Sunardi, Sunardi, Roedjinandari, Nanny and Estikowati, Estikowati (2021) Sustainable Tourism Model in the New Normal Era. Linguistics and Culture Review (LingCuRe), 5 (S3). pp. 1510-1517. ISSN 2690-103X (online)
Supardi, Supardi, Chandrarin, Grahita and Sunardi, Sunardi (2021) Improving Safety Performance through Safety Leadership and Safety Behaviors. Italienisch, 11 (2). pp. 447-454. ISSN 0171-4996
Supriadi, Bambang ORCID: and Yusuf, Abdul
Pengaruh Website Quality Dan E–Satisfaction Terhadap E-Loyalty Pada Website Pssi.Org.
COSTING:Journal of Economic, Business and Accounting, 4 (2).
pp. 635-644.
ISSN 2597-5234 (e)
Suratman, Teguh and Shanty, Wika Yudha (2021) Rehabilitasi sebagai upaya penanganan dan pemulihan penyalahguna dan pecandu narkotika. Bhirawa Law Journal, 2 (2). pp. 157-166. ISSN P-ISSN: 2775-4464, E-ISSN: 2775-2070
Susana, Erni and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Empowerment of Small and Medium Businesses (SMES) based on regional potential in an effort to increase competitive advantage and business performance. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 23 (9). pp. 56-65. ISSN 2278-487X
Tarra, Mustika and Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo (2021) The effect of career development learning & experience (work & life) on the employability of prospective alumnus of Ma Chung University Malang through reflection & evaluation. Quest Journals: Journal of Research in Business and Management, 9 (10). pp. 23-35. ISSN 2347-3002
Taufik, Achmad, Pratikto, Pratikto, Suprapto, Agus ORCID: and Sonief, Achmad As'ad
Analysis of the influence of hot rolled plate steel treatment using temper and quench-temper method on vickers hardness number enhancement.
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (12(112).
pp. 18-24.
ISSN 1729-3774 (p) ; 1729-4061 (e)
Tiwikrama, Krishna, Rabi’, Abdul and Arifuddin, Rahman (2021) Metode Haar Cascade dan Convolutional Neural Network untuk klasifikasi penggunaan masker. Journal of Electronic Control and Automotive Engineering (JEECAE), 6 (2). pp. 29-34.
Triatmanto, Boge, Harianto, Respati and Wahyuni, Nanik (2021) Towards an understanding of corporate image in the hospitality industry East Java, Indonesia. Heliyon, 7 (3). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2405 8440
Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus ORCID:
Comparison finite element analysis on duralium strength against multistage artificial aging process.
Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, 109 (1).
pp. 29-34.
ISSN 1897-2764
Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:, Bonifacius, Nurhamdoko, Yuniawan, Dani
ORCID: and Jati, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra
Measuring Spatial Arrangement of Indonesian Colonial Cities using Depth and Connectivity Calculations: Ratio study on master plans using Space Syntax.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 9 (4).
pp. 67-81.
ISSN 2187-3666
Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:, Bonifacius, Nurhamdoko, Yuniawan, Dani
ORCID:, Jati, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra
ORCID:, Santoso, Imam, Junianto, Mochamad Rizqi and Telnoni, Reynold Johan Aleksander
The Spatial Pattern of a Kampong Area in Malang City using a Space Syntax Approach : Study on Depth Calculation and Connectivity using DepthMapX.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 9 (4).
pp. 102-115.
ISSN 2187-3666
Vinsensius, Vinsensius, Assih, Prihat and Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:
Analisis pengaruh nilai tukar rupiah atas dolar as dan utang negara terhadap Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dan implikasinya pada produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia.
Jurnal Penelitian Teori dan Terapan Akuntansi (PETA), 6 (1).
pp. 16-33.
ISSN 2528-2581
Wahyuni, Ida A.M., Weni, I.M., Hariyanto, Tommy and Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID:
Community enhancement of the environmental quality of riverbank settlements: A case study of Tridi Kampong, Indonesia.
Journal of Water and Land Development, 49 (IV-VI).
pp. 204-212.
ISSN 2083-4535
Wahyuningastuti, Trias, Respati, Harianto and Sisharini, Nanik (2021) Website Quality: The Right Strategy of Service Quality and Information Quality for User Satisfaction. East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 4 (6). pp. 122-128. ISSN 2617-4464 (Print) | 2617-7269 (Online)
Wiati, Ni Made, Zaman, Mohammad Zuherus and Kautsar, Fu'ad ORCID:
Analisis dan perancangan ulang tata letak fasilitas produksi dengan metode systematic layout planning.
Journal of Industrial View, 3 (2).
pp. 55-62.
ISSN 2723-0414 (p) ; 2685-3159 (e)
Wibowo, Riefka, Alvianna, Stella, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Astuti, Widji and Setioko, Muhammad Danang
Analysis of the Influence of Tourist Destinations and Service Quality on Tourist Satisfaction Visiting the Jawa Timur Park in the New Normal Era.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 6 (1).
pp. 295-300.
ISSN 2456-2165
Wicaksana, Arif, Harmono, Harmono ORCID: and Yuniarti, Sari
Pengaruh Inventarisasi Aset, Penggunaan Aset, Pengamanan Dan Pemeliharaan Aset Terhadap Optimalisasi Aset Tetap Tanah Melalui Pemanfaatan Aset Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Malang.
Publisia : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik, 6 (1).
pp. 1-41.
ISSN 2541-2035
Wicaksana, Arif, Harmono, Harmono ORCID: and Yuniarti, Sari
Pengaruh inventarisasi aset, penggunaan aset, pengamanan dan pemeliharaan aset terhadap optimalisasi aset tetap tanah pada pemerintah Kabupaten Malang.
PUBLISIA (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik), 6 (1).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 2541-2515 Online ISSN : 2541-2035
Widagdo, Setyo ORCID:, Indrayanti, Kadek Wiwik and Saraswati, Anak Agung Ayu Nanda
Repatriation as a human rights approach to state options in dealing with returning ISIS foreign terrorist fighters.
Sage Journals, 11 (3).
pp. 1-12.
Widayati, Sri, Fahmi, Muhammad Hanif, Setiyaningsih, Lian Agustina ORCID: and Wibowo, Aryo Prakoso
Digital community development: Media pelestarian kearifan lokal wisata jurang toleh Kabupaten Malang.
Jurnal Nomolesca, 7 (1).
ISSN 2443-0927
Widia, I Made Dewa, Rosalin, Sovia, Asriningtias, Salnan Ratih and Sonalitha, Elta ORCID:
Black Box Testing Menggunakan Boundary Value Analysis dan Equivalence Partitioning pada Aplikasi Pengadaan Bahan Baku Batik dengan Pendekatan Use Case.
JIMP : Jurnal Informatika Merdeka Pasuruan, 6 (1).
pp. 15-21.
ISSN E-ISSN : 2503-1945
Widiawati, Diah, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Alvianna, Stella
Pengaruh Celebrity Endorcer Dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Samsung.
Jurnal TESLA: Perhotelan-Destinasi Wisata-Perjalanan Wisata, 1 (1).
pp. 9-15.
ISSN 2809-400X
Wikantiyoso, Respati, Cahyaningsih, Diyah Sukanti, Sulaksono, Aditya Galih, Widayati, Sri, Poerwoningsih, Dina and Triyosoputri, Etikawati (2021) Development of sustainable community-based tourism in Kampong Grangsil, Jambangan Village, Dampit District, Malang Regency. SPSD International review for spatial planning and sustainable development, 9 (1). pp. 64-77. ISSN E: 2187-3666
Wikantiyoso, Respati ORCID:, Sulaksono, Aditya Galih
ORCID: and Suhartono, Tonny
Detection of potential green open space area using landsat 8 satellite imagery.
Arteks: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 6 (1).
pp. 149-154.
ISSN P-ISSN: 2541-0598; E-ISSN: 2541-1217
Winarsih, Anis Dwi, Yustisia, Karlina Karadila and Lestari, Erma (2021) Deiksis dalam tuturan komik Dodit mulyanto di acara Komedi Tunggal Indonesia (SUCI). Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan, 4 (1). pp. 94-98. ISSN 2614-8854
Windhyastiti, Irany, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Khouroh, Umu
Investment attractiveness rating and factors affecting.
Accounting, 7 (1).
pp. 161-166.
ISSN 23697407
Yudhistiro, Kukuh, Sulaksono, Aditya Galih ORCID: and Pratama, Aditya Hidayat
Implementasi blackbox testing pada aplikasi real-time thermal video detection (Studi kasus deteksi demam/Covid-19).
Smatika Jurnal : Stiki Informatika Jurnal, 11 (1).
pp. 16-21.
ISSN P-ISSN:2087-0256; E-ISSN:2580-6939
Zubizaretta, Zaid Dzulkarnain ORCID:, Karsaman, Rudy Hermawan and Wibowo, R. Sony Sulaksono
Investment Risk of Solo-Ngawi Toll Road.
Journal of Civil Engineering Science & Technology, 2 (1).
pp. 18-24.
ISSN 2745-7052 (e)
Book Section
Chandrarin, Grahita and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
Management Accounting Practices In Indonesia.
Management Accounting In China And Southeast Asia : Empirical Studies On Current Practices.
Springer International Publisher, United States, pp. 51-74.
ISBN 978-3-030-66245-5
Prianto, Budhy (2021) Desentralisasi Penyediaan Layanan Kesehatan : Studi Tentang Penyediaan Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah (Jamkesda) di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur. In: Desentralisasi Penyediaan Layanan Kesehatan : Studi Tentang Penyediaan Jaminan Kesehatan Daerah (Jamkesda) di Kabupaten Malang Provinsi Jawa Timur. Media Nusa Creative, Malang, pp. 1-193. ISBN 978-602-462-584-9
Singgih, Mohamad Nur (2021) Daya saing destinasi wisata. In: Strategi Organisasi Bisnis Di Era Transformasi Digital. Polinema Press, Malang, pp. 64-70. ISBN 978-623-5711-12-6
Dannie, Surya (2021) Laporan Workshop repositori institusi “batch v” Live zoom. Manual. Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka Malang, Malang. (Unpublished)
Dannie, Surya (2021) Laporan diklat automasi perpustakaan terintegrasi inlislite angkatan I tahun 2021 live zoom. Other. Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka Malang, Malang. (Unpublished)
Dannie, Surya (2021) Laporan workshop peningkatan kompetensi Pustakawan pengelola website Perpustakaan “Batch III” Wilayah Timur: Sulawesi, Jawa Timur, Bali, NTT, NTB, Maluku, Papua live Zoom. Documentation. Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka Malang, Malang. (Unpublished)
Permata, Novika Wida (2021) Laporan Diklat Daring Promosi Berbasis Digital Angkatan I Tahun Anggaran 2021 Perpustakaan Nasional. Technical Report. Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka Malang, Malang.
Universitas Merdeka Malang, Rektor and Sanusi, Anwar (2021) Peraturan cek plagiarisme Tugas Akhir/Skripsi Mahasiswa Program Studi D-III, D-IV, S-1, Tesis Mahasiswa Program Studi S-2, dan Disertasi Mahasiswa Program Studi S-3 di lingkungan Universitas Merdeka Malang. Documentation. Universitas Merdeka Malang, Malang.
Conference or Workshop Item
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Kitagawa, Akio, Prasetya, Dwi Arman and Setiawan, Arie Boedi (2021) A Performance of ES920LR LoRa for the Internet of Things: A Technology Review. In: 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), April 9-11, 2021, ISTTS Surabaya, Indonesia.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Sihombing, Volvo, Siregar, Viktor Marudut Mulia, Yanris, Gomal Juni, Sianturi, Fricles Ariwisanto, Purba, Windania, Tamba, Saut Parsaroan, Simatupang, Julianto, Arifuddin, Rahman, Subairi, Subairi and Prasetya, Dwi Arman (2021) A Performance Evaluation of ZigBee Mesh Communication on the Internet of Things (IoT). In: 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), April 9-11, 2021, ISTTS Surabaya, Indonesia.
Andari, Alivia Novita, Sonalitha, Elta and Subairi, Subairi (2021) Automatic filterization for industrial drinking water quality based on internet of things; Sistem monitoring filterisasi air minum industri berbasis internet Of things. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Seminar Nasional Sains 2021.
Andrijono, Djoko (2021) Green material dan green technology. In: Seminar Nasional Green Material dan Green Technology menuju industri manufaktur yang ramah lingkungan, 11 Desember 2021, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Madiun. (Unpublished)
Arifuddin, Rahman and Hakim, Ermanu Azizul (2021) Monitoring suhu bawah permukaan dengan sistem master slave. In: Seminar Keinsinyuran, 5 Mei 2021, Malang.
Aso, Maria Trisana, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Alvianna, Stella
The Influence of Tourist Destinations on Tourist Visiting Interest in Tutubhada Traditional Village Nagekeo Regency.
In: International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) > International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) 2021, September 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Astuti, Widji, Supanto, Fajar ORCID: and Supriadi, Bambang
Identification Of The Sustainability Of Culinary SMEs During The Covid-19 Pandemic.
In: International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) 2021, 8 September 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Astuti, Widji, Supanto, Fajar ORCID: and Supriadi, Bambang
Motivasi Kewirausahaan Kearah Kebutuhan Pendidikan Ketrampilan Kewirausahaan Pengelola Ukm Mamin Di Era Covid 19 : Kajian Empiris.
In: Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #2 2021, July 14, 2021 – July 15, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Bonifacius, Nurhamdoko, Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:, Yuniawan, Dani
ORCID: and Jati, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra
Study on the deviation and ratio of spatial arrangement
patterns in housing and city development to achieve
sustainable urban form in Indonesia: Introduction of
observations and calculations by space syntax.
In: 3rd International Seminar on Livable SpaceIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 780, 27 August 2020, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Deiyanti, Elok Tri and Assih, Prihat (2021) Analisis manajemen laba dengan pendekatan fraud pentagon theory. In: Conference on Economic and Business Innoation Webinar International, 2021, Universitas Widyagama Malang.
Ekawati, Yunita Putri and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Analisis penggunaan media sosial dan marketplace terhadap peningkatan volume penjualan di UMKM Kab. Malang di masa pandemi Covid-19 (tinjauan anomali teknologi). In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Firdaus, Nur Muhammad and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Analisis penggunaan e-learning dan blended learning terhadap efektivitas pelaksanaan mengajar (Studi kasus di SMP Kartika IV-8 Malang). In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Hendrawan, Yusuf, Rohmatulloh, B, Prakoso, I, Liana, V, Fauzy, Muchammad Riza, Damayanti, Retno, Hermanto, Mochamad Bagus, Al Riza, Dimas Firmanda and Sandra, Sandra (2021) Classification of large green chilli maturity using deep learning. In: 2021 International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science924 (2021) 012009IOP, 2021.
Hendrawan, Yusuf, Rohmatulloh, B, Prakoso, I, Liana, V, Fauzy, Muchammad Riza, Damayanti, Retno, Hermanto, Mochamad Bagus, Al Riza, Dimas Firmanda and Sandra, Sandra (2021) Classification of soybean tempe quality using deep learning. In: 2021 International Conference on Green Agro-industry and Bioeconomy IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 924 (2021) 012022, 2021.
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Windhyastiti, Irany, Aristanto, Eko and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
The Effect Of Kaliwatu Rafting Tourism Development On Increasing Community Economic Income.
In: International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) Universitas Merdeka Malang, September 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Windhyastiti, Irany, Aristanto, Eko and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
Peran Cleanliness, Health, Safety Dan Environment Sustainability (CHSE) Terhadap Minat Orang Berkunjung Ke Destinasi Wisata Yang Ada Di Kota Batu Pasca Pandemic Covid 19.
In: Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #2 2021, July 14, 2021 – July 15, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Jatmika, Frigia and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Pengaruh marketplace dan media sosial terhadap volume penjualan. In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Khouroh, Umu ORCID:, Ratnaningsih, Christina Sri and Rahayudi, Bayu
Optimalisasi Triple Helix Dalam Meningkatkan Inovasi dan Daya Saing UMKM di Era New Normal.
In: Seminar Nasional dan Call For Paper Fakultas Ekonomi UNIBA Surakarta, 2021, Universitas Batik Surakarta.
Khouroh, Umu ORCID:, Ratnaningsih, Christina Sri and Rahayudi, Bayu
Pengembangan Model Bisnis Desa Wisata Di Era New Normal.
In: Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #2 2021, July 14, 2021 – July 15, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Khouroh, Umu ORCID:, Ratnaningsih, Christina Sri and Rahayudi, Bayu
Resilience Strategy for The Tourism Sector in the New Normal Era : Pentahelix Synergy.
In: International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) 2021, 8 September 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Maitimo, Brigita Talenta Novena and Safriliana, Retna ORCID:
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas, dan Reputasi KAP terhadap Audit Report Lag (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Indonesia).
In: Conference on Economic and Business Innovation, 2021, Universitas Widyagama Malang.
Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah, Bahri, Syaiful, Bukhori, Mohammad and Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:
Peran Media Sosial Dan Word Of Mouth Dalam Meningkatkan Keputusan Pembelian Produk UKM Kreatif Gunung Kawi Kabupaten Malang Di Era Pandemic.
In: Seminar Nasional Kepariwisataan (SENORITA) #22021, 14-15 Juli 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Safriliana, Retna ORCID:, Aminul, Amin and Saman, Saman
Evaluasi Kinerja Triwulan 2021 Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) Perusahaan Air Minum Daerah Among Tirto Kota Batu.
In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Santi, Fitriana ORCID: and Anggraeni, Ary Yunita
Strategi Bisnis Usaha Otomotif Agar Tetap Aktif di Era New normal.
In: National Seminar on Accounting, Finance, and Economics (NSAFE), 2021, Universitas Negri Malang.
Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID:, Chandrarin, Grahita
ORCID: and Nugraha, Ginanjar Indra kusuma
Towards sustainable community: Effort to reduce flood risk
and increase well-being in a densely populated flood-prone
In: ICWRDEP 2021 IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 930 (2021) 012096, 2021.
Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID:, Wibisono, Gunawan, Turijan, Turijan and Mudjito, Nanang
Efektifitas Saluran Drainase dalam Menurunkan Risiko Banjir dan Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Dataran Banjir.
In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Fakultas Teknik, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Setyorini, Setyorini, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
Website Based E-Commerce Waste Recycling Products
E-Commerce Produk Daur Ulang Sampah Berbasis Website.
In: Seminar Nasional & Call Paper Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi (SENASAINS 2nd) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Juli 2021, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo.
Setyorini, Setyorini, Ikrimah, Mia Eka Nur Izzatul, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah
Implementation Of Android-Based Vocational Student Attendance System As An Effort For Character Building Students In The Digital Education Era.
In: International Conference Character Education And Digital Learning (ICCEDL), 18 Desember 2021, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Ibnu Rusyd Tanah Grogot Kalimamtan Timur.
Subairi, Subairi and Hakim, Ermanu Azizul (2021) Perencanaan teknis instalasi dan kontrol pompa motor induksi pada reservoir sistem pengolahan air. In: Seminar Keinsinyuran, 5 Mei 2021, Malang.
Subiyantoro, Edi, Muslikh, Ahmad Rofiqul ORCID:, Andarwati, Mardiana and Pamuji, Fandi Yulian
Desktop based ahp application development for SME's promotion media decision support system.
In: 6th ICGSS International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability, 5-6 November 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Subiyantoro, Edi, Muslikh, Ahmad Rofiqul ORCID:, Andarwati, Mardiana, Swalaganata, Galandaru and Pamuji, Fandi Yulian
Pengembangan aplikasi pemilihan media promosi UMKM berbasis desktop.
In: SENASIF 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi.
Sumarsono, Tanto Gatot ORCID:, Hanto, Sih and Sudibyo, Priyo
Pengaruh Inkubator Industri Dan Potensi Lokal Terhadap Kinerja Wirausaha Melalui Intensi Kewirausahaan Pada Wirausaha Muda Di Jawa Timur.
In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (Senasif) 2021, October 21, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Supriadi, Bambang ORCID: and Ratnaningtyas, Djuwitawati
Talent Of Personal Presence To Increase Tourism Business Creativity.
In: International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) 2021, 8 September 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Susana, Erni and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Peningkatan keunggulan bersaing dan kinerja UKM di era pandemi Covid-19. In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Tiwikrama, Krishna, Rabi’, Abdul and Arifuddin, Rahman (2021) Implementasi palang pintu otomatis dengan pendeteksi masker berbasis raspberry Pi 3B+. In: Seminar Nasional Inovasi Teknologi UN PGRI Kediri, 24 Juli 2021, Kediri.
Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:, Bonifacius, Nurhamdoko and Yuniawan, Dani
Tracing potential CBD land uses along roads in historic areas: A study of space syntax using isovist and connectivity attributes along Kayutangan street Malang, Indonesia.
In: 6th International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability (ICGSS) 2021, November 5-6, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Wardana, Tedy Adriansah and Andarwati, Mardiana (2021) Analisis penggunaan media belajar smartphone terhadap hasil belajar melalui motivasi peserta didik SDN Kalisongo 3 Kabupaten Malang. In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF) 5, 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Yudhistiro, Kukuh, Kota, Evan Afdrianto and Baskoro, Dinda Surya (2021) Sistem Informasi drainase sebagai sarana peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat pada pentingnya pemeliharaan drainase sekunder Kota Malang. In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi (SENASIF), 21 Oktober 2021, Malang.
Yulianto, Irwan (2021) The Impact of Tourism Products and Sign Systems on Visitor Satisfaction in the Polowiien Cultural Village. In: 6th International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability (ICGSS) 2021, November 5-6, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Yulianto, Irwan, Roedjinandari, Nanny and Pravitha, Cattleya Wahyu (2021) Adopting Healing Environment Approach for Wellness Tourism in Polowijen Cultural Village Malang. In: International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (ICONHOSTS) 2021, 8 September 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Armanu, Armanu, Aryati, Ana Sofia, Ilhami, Susanti Dwi, Putri, Oktaria Ardika and Risfandini, Andini (2021) Stres : Di Era Turbulensi. UB Press Malang, Malang, Jawa Timur. ISBN 978-623-296-237-8
Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID:
Kota bebas banjir : antara harapan dan kenyataan.
Selaras Media Kreasindo, Malang.
ISBN 978-602-6228-87-1
Silalahi, Elfrida Br (2021) Speak up! on English language. Pustaka Akademikus, Sulawesi Selatan. ISBN 978-623-96554-1-9
Silalahi, Elfrida Br and Fauzia, Marliana Eka (2021) Creative writing descriptive mapping. CV. Mitra Mandiri Persada, Surabaya. ISBN 978-623-96790-1-9
Supanto, Fajar ORCID:
Manajemen Komunikasi Bisnis.
Empatdua Media Intrans Publishing, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-92074-6-5
Triatmanto, Boge (2021) Menggagas Percepatan Pencapaian Sustainability Development Goal's (SDG's) : dengan Pemberdayaan Sumberdaya Manusia. Selaras Media Krasindo, Malang. ISBN ISBN: 978-602-6228-79-6
Agusrianto, Eko (2021) Pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan Aparatur Sipil Negara (Berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur Bengkulu Nomor 21 Tahun 2018 Tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Gubernur Bengkulu Nomor 52 Tahun 2017 Tentang Pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan Pegawai Negeri Sipil di Lingkungan Pemerintah Provinsi Bengkulu). Graduate thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Babal, Sebastianus Prapalma (2021) Pengaruh kinerja keuangan daerah terhadap tingkat kemiskinan melalui pertumbuhan ekonomi: studi pada Kabupaten/Kota Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Periode 2017-2019. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Batilmurik, Isai (2021) Analisis Penggunaan Serbuk Belerang sebagai Bahan Pengisi (Filler) dalam Campuran AC-WC pada Perkerasan Jalan Raya. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Budiarso, Sanditia Anita (2021) Analisis Bisnis Model Kanvas Dan Capaian Penjualan (Studi Pada PT. Karya Satria Malang). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Damayoga, Ryan Sbastio (2021) Komunikasi Kreatif Freelancer Desainer Grafis Dalam Memanfaatkan Media Platform Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Daulay, Alfin Khusna W.A. (2021) Analisis Perbandingan Model ZMIJEWSKI Dan MODEL SPRINGATE Untuk Mengetahui Potensi Financial Distress (Studi pada Perusahaan Otomotif dan Komponennya yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2017-2019). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Dewi, Anisa Kurniawati (2021) Pengaruh Struktur Modal Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan dan Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Food and Beverages yang Listing di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada Tahun 2017-2019). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
ELZATIANA, SARAH (2021) THE IMPACTS OF ANXIETY ON SOCIAL LIFE. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Fajrin Ahmadi, AF (2021) Working As a Content Creator At The Language Center Of Univeristy Of Merdeka Malang. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik.
Firmansyah, Yoga Satria (2021) Motif Khalayak Menonton Channel Youtube Artis. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Hule, Petrus Chanel (2021) Pengaruh Kompensasi Finansial Dan Non Finansial Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Yang Di Mediasi Oleh Semangat Kerja (Studi Pada Karyawan Tetap Bagian Tata Usaha Keuangan Pabrik Gula Kebon Agung Malang). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Indraningtyas, Audina (2021) Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Otokratis Dan Kompensasi Finansial Terhadap Kinerja (Studi Pada Karyawan Bagian Gudang Di PT. Ilham Berkah Jaya Migas Malang). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Jemidin, Chaterine Kurniawati P. (2021) Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu Terhadap Organitational Citizenership Behavior (OCB) Studi Pada Karyawan PT Victory International Futures Malang. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Laksmisita, Fadinna (2021) Analisa Pengaruh Program K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) Saat Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Kinerja Karyawan dan Pekerja. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Mbipi, Saverius Dhuri (2021) Analisis pengaruh pengelolaan keuangan daerah, transparansi dan akuntabilitas pelaporan keuangan daerah terhadap kinerja satuan kerja perangkat daerah Kota Malang. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Naben, Martinus Eli (2021) Pengaruh kejelasan sasaran anggaran, ketepatan pelaporan dan kualitas sistem informasi terhadap efektivitas sistem pengendalian manajemen (studi pada Yayasan Mardi Wiyata). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Oktavera, Arrifatul (2021) Pengaruh Knowledge Management Dan Keterampilan Terrhadap Produktivitas Kerja (Studi Pada Karyawan Tetap Bagian Produksi Pabrik Rokok Handoyo Blitar). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Putri, Dinda Ayu (2021) Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum Dan Sesudah Akuisisi Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2016-2019. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Putri, Rachmandita Prasentari (2021) Pengaruh Endorsement Instagram Celebrity Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen (Studi pada Konsumen Warung Virtual @Mantab.official). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Rofiqoh, Rismy Khusnur (2021) Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Motivasi Kerja, Dan Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Pada Karyawan di Perusahaan Brem Ariska Madiun). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Rusfika, Alfira (2021) The Impact of Cinderella Complex Syndrome on Female Students' Motivation in Studying. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Salampessy, Moh Rizal (2021) Pengaruh Komunikasi Internal Terhadap Motivasi Kerja (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. BNI 46 Persero.Tbk Kantor Cabang Universitas Brawijaya). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Supardi, Supardi (2021) Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Budaya Keselamatan Terhadap Kinerja Keselamatan Melalui Perilaku Dan Iklim Keselamatan Pada Perusahaan Kontraktor Pertambangan Batu Bara Di Kalimantan Timur. Graduate thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Sutame, I Gusti Made (2021) Penggunaan Abu Limbah Cangkang Telur Ayam sebagai Bahan Pengganti (Filler) dalam Campuran Aspal AC-WC pada Jalan Raya. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Tafonao, Adel Bertus Jefriyanto (2021) The Availability of Online Artcle of D3 English Program As A Reference Sources of Writing Scientific Papers. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Tobong, Anastasia Amanda Harumdiana (2021) Social Media Design Implementation on Amore Coffee's Instagram as an Effort for Visual Content Development and a Strategy of Product Marketing. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Tutuko, Dara Citra Saraswati (2021) Walkability Along Kayutangan Corridors Pedestrian Way. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Usin, Anna Maria Bernadin (2021) Auditing: The Importance of Auditor's Role in Presenting a Quality Audited Financial Statement in a Company. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Virgiansa, Adam (2021) Creating Website for Reading Comprehension. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Wijaya, Ghofuur Sudarto (2021) Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan, Reward Dan Punisment Terhadap Kinerja (Studi Pada Karyawan Tetap di Perumda Tirta Kanjuruhan). Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Yohanna, Ananda Ardelia (2021) The Importance of Self Efficacy in Communication Anxiety for English Departement's Students. Diploma thesis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik.
Universitas Merdeka Malang (2021) Tracing Potential CBD Land Uses Along Roads In Historic Areas: A Study Of Space Syntax Using Isovist And Connectivity Attributes Along Kayutangan Street Malang, Indonesia. 000300470.
Universitas Merdeka Malang (2021) Model Persebaran Fasilitas Pendidikan Dalam Perencanaan Tata Ruang Kota. 000300471.
Universitas Merdeka Malang (2021) Mobility Pattern Model Of Educational Facilities Distribution Based On Space Syntax Analysis In The East Malang Development Area. 000289835.
Universitas Merdeka Malang, Perpustakaan (2021) Buletin elibs UNMER Malang : Buletin Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka Malang (Vol. 17 No. 1, 2021). Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka malang, Malang.
Universitas Merdeka Malang, Perpustakaan (2021) Buletin elibs UNMER Malang : Buletin Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka Malang (Vol. 17 No. 2, 2021). Perpustakaan Universitas Merdeka malang, Malang.