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Items where Subject is "TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering"
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- TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering (48)
- T Technology (48)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Arifuddin, Rahman
Design Of Tsunami Detector Based Sort Message Service Using Arduino and SIM900A to GSM/GPRS Module.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science (JEEMECS), 1 (1).
pp. 1-4.
ISSN 2614-4867 (e) ; 2614-4859 (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
Performance Evaluation WPAN of RN-42 Bluetooth based (802.15.1) for Sending the Multi-Sensor LM35 Data Temperature and RaspBerry pi 3 Model B for the Database and Internet Gateway.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 9 (12).
pp. 612-620.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
Performance Evaluation of E32 Long Range Radio Frequency 915 MHz based on Internet of Things and Micro Sensors Data.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 10 (11).
pp. 38-49.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
Performance Evaluation of LoRa ES920LR 920 MHz on the Development Board.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11 (6).
pp. 12-19.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
Quality of Service and Power Consumption Optimization on the IEEE 802.15.4 Pulse Sensor Node based on Internet of Things.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 10 (5).
pp. 144-154.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
A Study of LoRa Performance in Monitoring of Patient s SPO2 and Heart Rate based IoT.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 11 (2).
pp. 238-251.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
ZigBee Radio Frequency (RF) Performance on Raspberry Pi 3 for Internet of Things (IoT) based Blood Pressure Sensors Monitoring.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 10 (5).
pp. 18-27.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID: and Kitagawa, Akio
A performance of radio frequency and signal strength of LoRa with BME280 sensor.
TELKOMNIKA Telecomunication Computing Electronics and Control, 18 (2).
pp. 649-660.
ISSN 1693-6930 (p) ; 2302-9293 (e)
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID:, Kitagawa, Akio, Rabi, Abd, Nachrowie, Nachrowie and Arifuddin, Rahman
Low-Power and Lossy Networks of Wireless Sensor Networks
with Protocols Algorithm Comparison.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science (JEEMECS), 3 (1).
pp. 11-24.
ISSN 2614-4867 (e) ; 2614-4859 (p)
Budiyanto, Hery, Tutuko, Pindo ORCID:, Setiawan, Aries Boedi
ORCID:, Jati, Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra
ORCID: and Iqbal, Muhammad
Listrik Tenaga Surya untuk Pompa Submersible pada
Greenhouse Hidroganik di Kabupaten Malang.
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 6 (3).
pp. 336-346.
ISSN E-ISSN: 2548-7159
Dirgantara, Wahyu and Arifuddin, Rahman (2020) Global Positioning System Berbasis Android Guna Pertempuran Kota Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani. JASIEK (Jurnal Aplikasi Sains, Informasi, Elektronika dan Komputer), 2 (1). pp. 90-97. ISSN 2685-497X
Dirgantara, Wahyu, Suyono, Hadi and Setyawati, Onny (2017) Sistem Peringatan Dini Untuk Deteksi Kebakaran Pada Kebocoran Gas Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Control. Jurnal EECCIS, 11 (1). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2460-8122
Fajri, Ridho Yudhinasyah, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo
The Strategic Of It Capability to Support Innovativeness for Firm Performance.
International Journal of Business Marketing and Management (IJBMM), 4 (5).
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 2456-4559
Gumilang, Yandhika Surya Akbar ORCID:, Krisdianto, Krisdianto, Fahreza, Moch. Aditya Rizky and Alfayid, Aziz
Design of Bluetooth Wireless Transporter Mecanum Wheeled Robot with Android Smartphone Controller for Moving Item.
ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro, 15 (1).
pp. 61-66.
ISSN : 1858-1463 (print), 2580-6807 (online)
Hariyanti, Annesuska Ocyvie, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Prasetya, Dwi Arman
Analysis of the Acceptance and Use of Mobile Banking Services Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (Case Study of Bank Jatim Pasuruan Branch).
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 5 (1).
pp. 254-262.
ISSN 2455-9024
Hidayat S, Rachmat, Rabi’, Abdur and Sonalitha, Elta ORCID:
System Pendeteksi Pelanggar Traffic Light pada Zebra Cross MenggunakanoRaspberry Pi Berbasis Pengolahan Citra Digital.
Journal of Electrical Electronic Control and Automotive Engineering (JEECAE), 5 (1).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2541-0288 (p) ; I2528-0708 (e)
Hidayatulail, Basitha Febrinda and Mujahidin, Irfan ORCID:
Potential of 77,78 mW Red Diode Laser for Photodynamic.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science, 2 (2).
pp. 45-48.
ISSN 2614-4867
Hidayatulail, Basitha Febrinda, Mujahidin, Irfan ORCID: and Arinda, Putri Surya
2.4 GHz Square Ring Patch With Ring Slot Antenna For Self Injection Locked Radar.
Journal of Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic and Computer Science, 2 (2).
pp. 39-44.
ISSN 2614-4867
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Alvianna, Stella, Sugeha, Anisa Zuhria and Astuti, Widji
Model of information systems success Delone and Mclean in using Pedulilindungi application in the tourism sector of Malang City.
Jurnal Pariwisata Pesona, 7 (1).
pp. 49-57.
ISSN 1410-7252
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Khouroh, Umu
ORCID:, Windhyastiti, Irany, Patalo, Ryan Gerry and Waris, Abdul
Implementasi Model Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi DeLone And McLean Terhadap Sistem Pembelajaran Berbasis Aplikasi Zoom Di Saat Pandemi Covid-19.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika (JTMI), 6 (1).
pp. 44-52.
ISSN 1693-6604
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Prasetya, Dwi Arman, Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra, Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah and Windhyastiti, Irany
Website Quality: The Effect with Perceived Flow and Purchase Intention in Travel Customers in Malang City.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5 (11).
pp. 133-139.
ISSN 2456-2165
Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:, Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah, Khouroh, Umu
ORCID: and Windhyastiti, Irany
Development of Tourist Village Model Through “Pokdarwis”
Empowerment and Information Technology Utilization.
European Journal of Business and Management, 10 (23).
pp. 22-28.
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) 2222-2839 (Online)
Kurniawan, Irham, Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo and Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:
The Effect Of The Information System Quality, Service Quality, And User Satisfaction On Academic Information System User Loyalty.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 10 (5).
pp. 350-355.
ISSN 2277-8616
Mukti, Fransiska Sisilia, Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID:, Prasetya, Dwi Arman, Sihombing, Volvo, Rahanra, Nicodemus, Yuliawan, Kristia and Simatupang, Julianto
Integrating Cost-231 Multiwall Propagation and Adaptive Data Rate Method for Access Point Placement Recommendation.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 12 (4).
pp. 772-777.
ISSN 2156-5570 (e) ; 2158-107X (p)
Rachmawati, Ike Kusdyah, Bukhori, Mohammad, Nuryanti, Fenia and Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID:
Collaboration Technology Acceptance Model, Subjective Norms and Personal Innovations on Buying Interest Online.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 5 (11).
pp. 115-122.
ISSN 2456-2165
Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Prasetya, Dwi Arman
Pengaruh Kualitas Situs Web Terhadap Minat Beli Melalui Perceived Flow.
Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen - Eksekutif, 16 (2).
pp. 485-503.
ISSN 2579-5856
Rakhmadani, Diovianto Putra, Setiadjit, Dayal Gustopo, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Adhinata, Faisal Dharma
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Tanggap Pendatang Berbasis Web. Studi Kasus : Desa Karangagung Kabupaten Tuban.
Engineering Journal of Information, Control, Telecommunication and Electrical, 2 (1).
pp. 26-35.
ISSN 2746-7481
Romadhon, Rifki Hari and Riadi, Muhammad Prakarsa (2023) Design and Simulation Microstrip Antenna Monopole for K Band Frequency. SMARTICS Journal, 9 (2). pp. 49-54. ISSN 2476-9754
Rondowunu, Yeremia Victor, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Hariani, Nanik
The Effect of the Employee Information System Implementation on User Satisfaction Mediated by Internet Facilities at PT Kemajuan
Industrindo Malang.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 7 (8).
pp. 1696-1703.
ISSN 2456-2165
Shodiq, Arroifi Fikri, Hidayatullah, Syarif ORCID: and Ardianto, Yusaq Tomo
Influence of Design, Information Quality and Customer Services Website on Customer Satisfaction.
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9 (12).
pp. 746-750.
ISSN ISSN 2229-5518
Sonalitha, Elta ORCID:, Fakhrurizal, Andry, Alwan, Chotib, Akramul, Busro and Zamroni, Subhan
Simulasi dan Analisis Antena UWB Trisula 2,4 GHz Menggunakan Ansoft HFSS 13.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informatika (JTMI), 1 (1).
pp. 12-18.
ISSN Print ISSN : 1693-6604 ; Online ISSN : 2580-8044
Subairi, Subairi, Rahmadwati, Rahmadwati and Yudaningtyas, Erni (2018) Implementasi Metode k-Nearest Neighbor Pada Pengenalan Pola Tekstur Citra Saliva Untuk Deteksi Ovulasi. Jurnal EECCIS, 12 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2460-8122
Yamlean, Andreas Mario, Dirgantara, Wahyu, Sonalitha, Elta and Subairi, Subairi (2020) Pengaturan Timer Penyemprotan Desinfektan Bilik Sterilisasi Menggunakan SISO Fuzzy. Journal of Electrical Electronic Control and Automotive Engineering (JEECAE), 5 (2). pp. 25-28. ISSN 2541-0288 (p) ; I2528-0708 (e)
Conference or Workshop Item
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo and Kitagawa, Akio (2019) A Review of the Blockly Programming on M5Stack Board and MQTT Based for Programming Education. In: 11th International Conference On Engineering Education (ICEED), 6-7 November 2019, Kanazawa, Japan.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Kitagawa, Akio and Akita, Junichi (2020) Finger Robotic control use M5Stack board and MQTT Protocol based. In: The 7th International Conference on Information Technology, Computer and Electrical Engineering (ICITACEE 2020), 24-25 September 2020, Semarang, Jawa Tengah.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Kitagawa, Akio, Prasetya, Dwi Arman and Setiawan, Arie Boedi (2021) A Performance of ES920LR LoRa for the Internet of Things: A Technology Review. In: 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), April 9-11, 2021, ISTTS Surabaya, Indonesia.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Kitagawa, Akio, Sihombing, V, Silaen, G J, Mustamu, N E, Siregar, V M M, Sianturi, F A and Purba, W (2020) A Study of Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) Technology for Engineering Education. In: 2nd Workshop on Engineering, Education, Applied Sciences and Technology (EEAST) 2020), 5 October 2020, Makasar, Indonesia.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Prasetya, Arman Dwi, Setiawan, Aries Boedi, Nachrowie, Nachrowie and Arifuddin, Rahman (2019) Design Of Tsunami Detector Based Sort Message Service Using Arduino and SIM900A to GSM/GPRS Module. In: 2nd International Conference On Advance And Scientific Innovation (ICASI), 18 July 2019, Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo ORCID:, Prasetya, Dwi Arman, Sari, Anggraini Puspita, Arifuddin, Rahman, Sonalitha, Elta
ORCID:, Subairi, Subairi and Mujahidin, Irfan
Performance of ES920LR LoRa for Monitoring Health Status on LoS and Non-LoS Environment.
In: the International Conference on Innovation in Science and Technology (ICIST 2020), 2020.
Adi, Puput Dani Prasetyo, Sihombing, Volvo, Siregar, Viktor Marudut Mulia, Yanris, Gomal Juni, Sianturi, Fricles Ariwisanto, Purba, Windania, Tamba, Saut Parsaroan, Simatupang, Julianto, Arifuddin, Rahman, Subairi, Subairi and Prasetya, Dwi Arman (2021) A Performance Evaluation of ZigBee Mesh Communication on the Internet of Things (IoT). In: 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), April 9-11, 2021, ISTTS Surabaya, Indonesia.
Indrawansyah, Muhammad Bagas, Nachrowie, Nachrowie and Gumilang, Yandhika Surya Akbar ORCID:
Mesin Peniris Minyak (Spinner) Bawang Goreng Menggunakan Kontrol Pid.
In: SEMNASTI 2023 (Seminar Nasional Teknologi Industri) : Effective, Efficient, Resilient Productivity In Global Disruption Era, August 14, 2023, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya.
Sonalitha, Elta and Asriningtias, Salnan Ratih (2017) Analisi Perbandingan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dan Fuzzy dalam Process Market Matching UMKM. In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi 2017, 14 September 2017, 14 September 2017, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Subairi, Subairi and Hakim, Ermanu Azizul (2021) Perencanaan teknis instalasi dan kontrol pompa motor induksi pada reservoir sistem pengolahan air. In: Seminar Keinsinyuran, 5 Mei 2021, Malang.
Subairi, Subairi, Setiawan, Aries Boedi and Tiwikrama, Krisna (2020) Pemeriksaan suhu tubuh tanpa kontak langsung sebagai pencegahan Covid-19 untuk pengunjung gedung berbasis IOT. In: Sistek Webinar Nasional & Call for Paper, 10 November 2020, Malang.
Suharnoko, Dwi, Chayatin, Umi and Dinata, Chandra ORCID:
Adaptasi Layanan Perijinan Berbasis Teknologi Berparadigma New Public Service Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Dengan Citizen Centric.
In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknologi Informasi – UNMER Malang, 9 Agustus 2018, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Wahid, Lalu Abdurrahman, Sumarahinsih, Andrijani and Gumilang, Yandhika Surya Akbar ORCID:
Implementasi Metode Fuzzy Untuk Mempertahankan Suhu dan Kelembapan Pada Kandang Ayam.
In: Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri (SEMNASTI) 2023 : Effective, Efficient, Resilient Productivity In Global Disruption Era, 2023, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya.
Yamlean, Andreas Mario, Sonalitha, Elta ORCID:, Dirgantara, Wahyu and Subairi, Subairi
Rancang Bangun Bilik Sterilisasi untuk Mencegah Penyebaran Covid-19.
In: Seminar Nasional Forte7-3 Forum Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Elektro Indonesia Regional VII, 2020.
Suprapmoko, Agus (2020) Implementasi Metode Proportional Integral Derivative (Pid) Pada Mesin Pembuat Nasi Goreng Menggunakan Arduino Mega 2560. Undergraduate thesis, Universitas Merdeka Malang.