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Items where Division is "S1 Akuntansi" and Year is 2020
Andarwati, Mardiana, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Amrullah, Fikri
Determinants of Perceived Usefulness and End-User Accounting Information System in SMEs.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29 (8s).
pp. 46-61.
ISSN 2005-4238 ; 2207-6360 (Online)
Andarwati, Mardiana, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Amrullah, Fikri
Integrasi Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi dan Kinerja Keuangan UKM dengan Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard.
In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi 2020 (SENASIF), 20 Oktober 2020, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Antoro, Wardi, Sanusi, Anwar and Asih, Prihat (2020) The Effect of Profitability, Company Size, Company Growth on Firm Value Through Capital Structure in Food and Beverage Companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2014-2018 Period. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 6 (9). pp. 36-43. ISSN 2454-8006
Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:, Firdiansjah, Achmad and Supanto, Fajar
Engineering performance evaluation model in the
context of bumdes policy formulation: A study
from the perspective of the political economy
of accounting management theory.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9 (3).
pp. 5215-5221.
ISSN 2277-8616
Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:
Manajemen Dana Pensiun : Sebuah Pendekatan Penilaian Kinerja Modified Baldrige Assessment.
Media Nusa Creative, Malang.
ISBN 978-602-462-430-9
Augustina, Renny, Sutriswanto and Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:
Study of Capital Structure (IDX 2011-2017): Firm
Growth, Firm Size, and CSR Disclosure on Firm
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, 5 (1).
pp. 128-133.
ISSN 2455-9024
Banamtuan, Obi, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Sihwahjoeni, Sihwahjoeni
Asset Management and Capital Ownership on Firm Value: Through Profitability.
AFRE Accounting and Financial Review, 3 (1).
pp. 83-92.
ISSN 2598-7771
Firdiansjah, Achmad, Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID: and Widyaratna, Lianita
Analysis of CEO Dualify Influence and Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Toward Financial Performance Through Earning Management on Food And Baverage Company Listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange Periode 2013-2017.
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9 (1).
pp. 1206-1216.
ISSN 2277-8616
Fristiani, Nosilia, Pangastuti, Dyah Ani and Harmono, Harmono ORCID:
Intellectual Capital Dan Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan : Pada Industri Perbankan.
AFRE Accounting and Financial Review, 3 (1).
pp. 35-42.
ISSN 2598-7771
Huda, Samsul, Zuhroh, Diana ORCID: and Firdiansjah, Achmad
The Effect of Profitability and Capital Structure on Firm Value Through Dividend Policy in Transportation Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the Period of 2015-2018.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 6 (9).
pp. 44-55.
ISSN 2454-8006
Jemunu, Maria Dwi Putri, Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID: and Parawiyati, Parawiyati
Good corporate governance, Pengungkapan Sustainability Report dan Manajemen Laba Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan.
AFRE Accounting and Financial Review, 3 (2).
pp. 93-102.
ISSN 2598-7771
Lestari, Indah Chrisdianti (2020) Analysis of the effectiveness of simak-bmn application on quality of financial statement in terms of training, peer advice ties and satisfaction of users. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Mbipi, Saverius Dhuri, Assih, Prihat and Sumtaky, Maxion (2020) Pengelolaan keuangan daerah dan good governance terhadap kinerja satuan kerja Perangkat Daerah. AFRE Accounting and Financial Review, 3 (2). pp. 152-158. ISSN 2598-7771
Negara, Indra Puspa (2020) Impact implementation analysis of PSAK 73 Lease on financial statements and Financial ratios of PT XYZ. Undergraduate thesis, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Ningsih, Risna, Nirwanto, Nazief and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
Return on Assets, Firm Value, and Good Corporate Governance: Empirical at Foreign Exchange Banks In Indonesia.
Management and Economics Journal, 4 (1).
pp. 25-32.
ISSN 2598-9537 (E): 2599-3402 (P)
Putri, Rumanintya Lisaria, Nirwanto, Nazief, Assih, Prihat and Darmawan, Wayan (2020) The Importance of Regional Original Income, Balance Fund and Demography on Flypaper Effect through the Regional Government Expenditure. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, 7 (2). pp. 33-45. ISSN 2394-6288 (Print) ; ISSN 2394-6296 (Online)
Safriliana, Retna ORCID:
Tinjauan Posmodernisme: Liberalisasi Chartered Accountant Dari Belenggu Kapitalisme.
Journal of Public and Business Accounting (JoPBA), 1 (1).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 2746-3648 (E) : 2746-3613 (P)
Safriliana, Retna, Subroto, Bambang, Subekti, Imam and Rahman, Aulia Fuad (2020) The Voluntary Of Public Accountant Firms Switching With Modified Auditor’s Opinion As Mediation Variables. Journal Of Southwest Jiaotong University, 55 (6). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0258-2724
Sihwahjoeni, Sihwahjoeni, Subiyantoro, Edi and Bili, Maria Ringi (2020) Analysis Effect of Investment Decision, Financing and Dividend Policy on Value Company with Variable Business Risk as Mediation. International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI), 7 (7). pp. 261-269. ISSN 2321-2705
Suharsono, Riyanto Setiawan, Nirwanto, Nazief and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
Voluntary Disclosure, Financial Reporting Quality and Asymmetry Information.
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7 (12).
pp. 1185-1194.
ISSN 2288-4637 / Online ISSN 2288-4645
Vinsensius, Vinsensius, Assih, Prihat and Apriyanto, Gaguk ORCID:
Signal of Rupiah Exchange Rate to US Dollar and
Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Journal of Auditing, Finance, and Forensic Accounting, 8 (1).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 2339-2886 E-ISSN: 2461-0607
Yuliadini, Vika Alifta and Zuhroh, Diana ORCID:
Determinants of Going Concern Opinions on Insurance Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
In: 7th Regional Accounting Conference (KRA 2020), 2020, Universitas Negri Malang.