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Items where Author is "Wibisono, Gunawan"
Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID:, Mudjito, Nanang, Wibisono, Gunawan and Prayogo, Danes Satria
Appropriate flood control technology in a local trading area: Case study at Pulosari Kiosk Area in Malang City.
Jurnal Penelitian, 19 (1).
pp. 46-58.
ISSN 2809-7688 (E) : 1410-7295 (P)
Ulumuddin, Muhammad Ageng, Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID: and Wibisono, Gunawan
Kajian Hubungan Intensitas Hujan – Limpasan Pada Plot Uji Berlereng Dengan Permukaan Kedap Air.
Composite: Journal Of Civil Engineering, 1 (1).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 2964-6626 (P) ; 2961-7111 (E)
Mardwiono, Firmansyah, Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID: and Wibisono, Gunawan
Integrated Sediment Management as a Sustainable Effort of Reservoir Function: A Case Study on the Sengguruh and Sutami Reservoirs.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 7 (2).
pp. 492-500.
ISSN 2456-2165
Kholifah, Nur, Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID: and Wibisono, Gunawan
Water Resources Management in Downstream Sub-Watershed of Bengawan Solo for Raw Water Development in Gresik Regency.
International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 7 (2).
pp. 521-526.
ISSN 2456-2165
Conference or Workshop Item
Sedyowati, Laksni ORCID:, Wibisono, Gunawan, Turijan, Turijan and Mudjito, Nanang
Efektifitas Saluran Drainase dalam Menurunkan Risiko Banjir dan Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat di Dataran Banjir.
In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi Fakultas Teknik, 2021, Universitas Merdeka Malang.