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Items where Author is "Suprapto, Agus"
Suprapto, Agus ORCID:, Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus
ORCID:, Andrijono, Djoko and Maswain, Septian Dwi irianto
Comparison Of The Hardness Value And Microstructure Of Al6061 In Horizontal Centrifugal Casting With And Without Mold Cooling.
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (12).
pp. 42-48.
ISSN 1729-3774 (p) ; 1729-4061 (e)
Suprapto, Agus ORCID:, Andrijono, Djoko and Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus
Analisis Pengaruh Kecepatan Putaran Cetakan dan Temperatur Peleburan Pengecoran Sentrifugal Terhadap Kekerasan dan Struktur Mikro Aluminium 6061.
Jurnal Nusantara of Engineering (NOE), 7 (1).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN P- ISSN: 2355-6684, E-ISSN: 2776-6640
Taufik, Achmad, Pratikto, Pratikto, Suprapto, Agus ORCID: and Sonief, Achmad As'ad
Analysis of the influence of hot rolled plate steel treatment using temper and quench-temper method on vickers hardness number enhancement.
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4 (12(112).
pp. 18-24.
ISSN 1729-3774 (p) ; 1729-4061 (e)
Purwanto, Helmy, Soenoko, Rudy, Purnowidodo, Anindito and Suprapto, Agus ORCID:
The Influence of Single and Double Steel Plate Hardness on Fracture Behavior after Ballistic Impact.
Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, 64 (3).
pp. 189-198.
ISSN 0324-6051 ; Online ISSN : 1587-379X
Suprapto, Agus ORCID:, Setyawan, Pungky Eka and Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus
Investigation of Coating Thickness, Hardness and Wear Resistance of Aluminium 6061 by Anodizing Treatment.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 11 (10).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
Suprapto, Agus ORCID:, Setyawan, Pungky Eka, Setiawan, Aries Boedi
ORCID: and Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus
The Effect Of Anodizing Solution Type Against The Coating Thickness And Wear Rate Of Aluminum 6061.
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET), 10 (12).
pp. 57-64.
ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359
Gapsari, Femiana, Wijaya, Hastono, Andoko, Andoko and Suprapto, Agus ORCID:
The Performance of Bee Wax Propolis Inhibitor on the Ductile Cast Iron (DCI) in Saline and Acidic Environment.
International Review on Modelling and Simulations (I.RE.MO.S.),, 12 (3).
pp. 163-167.
ISSN 1974-9821
Sabarudin, Suriyansyah, Pratikto, Pratikto and Suprapto, Agus ORCID:
Effect of heat treatment and cryogenics on hardness of ductile cast iron microstructure (FCD50).
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2 (12(92)).
pp. 20-26.
ISSN 1729-3774 (p) ; 1729-4061 (e)
Hartono, Priyagung, Pratikto, Pratikto, Suprapto, Agus and Irawan, Yudy Surya (2018) Characterisation Of Aloe Vera As Cutting Fluid. MM (Modern Machinery) Science Journal, March (2018). pp. 2209-2213. ISSN 1803-1269 (print) and ISSN 1805-0476 (on-line)
Raharjo, Wijang Wisnu, Soenoko, Rudy, Irawan, Yudy Surya and Suprapto, Agus ORCID:
The Influence of Chemical Treatments on Cantala Fiber Properties and Interfacial Bonding of Cantala Fiber/Recycled High Density Polyethylene (rHDPE).
Journal of Natural Fibers, 15 (1).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1544-0478 (Print) 1544-046X (Online)
Gapsari, Femiana, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus ORCID: and Suprapto, Wahyono
Minimization of Corrosion Rate Using Response Surface Methodology.
Engineering Review, 38 (1).
pp. 115-119.
ISSN 1330-9587
Suprapto, Agus, Rofieq, Mochammad ORCID: and Poerwanto, Andi
Kolaborasi SMK MUTU, Posdaya Kolbanda dan LPPM UNMER Malang Dalam Berbagai Ketrampilan.
ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2 (1).
pp. 26-30.
ISSN 2548-7159
Purnomo, Purnomo, Soenoko, Rudy, Irawan, Yudy Surya and Suprapto, Agus ORCID:
Deformation Under Quasi Static Loading In High Density
Polyethylene Filled With Natural Zeolite.
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), 12 (5).
pp. 1191-1203.
ISSN 1823-4690
Wiyani, Wahyu, Suprapto, Agus and Triatmanto, Boge (2017) Pelatihan pembuatan business plan mengantar Posdaya Mergosingo dan Posdaya Taman Rajut mendapatkan pinjaman bunga rendah dan tanpa agunan dari yayasan damandiri guna mengembangkan usaha. ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2 (2). pp. 30-34. ISSN E-ISSN: 2548-7159
Gapsari, Femiana, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus and Suprapto, Wahyono (2016) Effect of Organics Corrosion Inhibitors on the Corrosion of 304SS in 3.5% NaCl. International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), 10 (7). pp. 531-536. ISSN 1970 - 8734
Gapsari, Femiana, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus ORCID: and Suprapto, Wahyono
Green Inhibitor for API 5L X65 STEEL IN HCL 0.5 M.
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (15).
pp. 1-4.
ISSN 1819-6608
Setyarini, Putu Hadi, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus and Irawan, Yudy Surya (2016) Properties of Electrochemical Impedance and Surface Characteristics of Anodized AA 6061. International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), 10 (3). pp. 186-190. ISSN 1970 - 8734
Gapsari, Femiana, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus ORCID: and Suprapto, Wahyono
Experimental Study Of The Determination Of E-pH Diagram For 304SS On A Solution With The Addition Of Bee Wax Propolis Inhibitor.
Journal of Materials And Environmental Science, 7 (9).
pp. 3148-3153.
ISSN 2028-2508
Purnomo, Purnomo, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus ORCID: and Irawan, Yudy Surya
Impact Fracture Toughness Evaluation by Essential Work of Fracture Method in High Density Polyethylene Filled with Zeolite.
FME Transactions, 44 (2).
pp. 180-186.
ISSN 1451-2092 (print) ISSN: 2406-128X (online)
Setyarini, Putu Hadi, Soenoko, Rudy, Suprapto, Agus and Irawan, Yudy Surya (2015) Adhesion Phenomenon of Titanium as Cathode in Aluminum Anodizing. Applied Mechanics and Materials (Volumes 799-800), 799. pp. 140-144. ISSN 1662-7482
Book Section
Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus ORCID:, Puspitasari, Poppy, Fauzy, Muchammad Riza, Suprapto, Agus
ORCID: and Setyawan, Pungky Eka
Microstructure Change of Aluminum 6061 through Natural and
Artificial Aging.
Nanotechnologies in Green Chemistry and Environmental Sustainability.
Sustainability: Contributions Through Science and Technology
CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, pp. 82-98.
ISBN 978-1-003-32074-6
Conference or Workshop Item
Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus ORCID:, Suprapto, Agus and Setyawan, Pungky Eka
Optimasi Parameter Anodizing pada Aluminium 6061 dengan Metode Taguchi.
In: Seminar Nasional Teknologi, 2020, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Budiyanto, Hery, Suprapto, Agus, Rofieq, Mochammad and Poerwoningsih, Dina (2018) Business Incubator In Higher Education For Student Business Owner. In: 3rd International Conference of Graduate School on Sustainability 22-23 September 2018, 22-23 September 2018, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Budiyanto, Hery, Suprapto, Agus and Poerwoningsih, Dina (2017) Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Dalam Bentuk Inkubator Bisnis Di Perguruan Tinggi Bagi Mahasiswa Pemilik Usaha Pemula. In: Seminar Nasional Sistem Informasi 2017, 14 September 2017, 14 September 2017, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Merdeka Malang.
Rofieq, Mochammad ORCID:, Suprapto, Agus and Prilaswanti, Dwi
IbM Usaha Kerajinan Perak Guna Menumbuhkan Minat Berwirausaha Bagi Karang Taruna Kelurahan Tanjungrejo.
In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XXIII, 1 Agustus 2015 di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya., 1 Agustus 2015, Institut Teknology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya.
Rofieq, Mochammad ORCID:, Sugianto, Sugianto and Suprapto, Agus
Perancangan Stasiun Kerja Yang Ergonomis Guna Meningkatkan Produktivitas Pembuatan Souvenir Berbahan Limbah Lampu TL.
In: Seminar Nasional Manajemen Teknologi XIX, 2 November 2013, Institut Tehnology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya.
Suprapto, Agus (2008) Peningkatan Efisiensi Industri Melalui Analisa Kegagalan. In: Rapat Terbuka Senat Universitas Merdeka Malang Pidato Pengukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar Dalam Ilmu Material, Mekanika Retakan dan Korosi Pada Fakultas Teknik, 19 Juni 2008, Universitas Merdeka Malang. (Unpublished)
Suprapto, Agus ORCID:, Darto, Darto, Widyastuti, Ike and Tsamroh, Dewi Izzatus
Keausan Logam.
Selaras Media Krasindo, Malang.
ISBN 978-623-6980-68-2
Suprapto, Agus, Siswati, Aris, Rofieq, Mochammad and Triatmanto, Boge (2020) Blue Print: Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan Di Lingkungan Universitas Merdeka Malang 2020. Selaras Media Krasindo, Malang. ISBN 978-602-6228-98-7